
Solutions for process improvement in medical care delivery

ClosedLoop to discover at-risk patients

An end-to-end platform that uses AI to discover at-risk patients and recommend treatment options. Description Using the platform, providers and healthcare organizations can receive personalized data about patients’ needs while…

Tempus to help generate insights

Applies AI to give physicians insights into treatments and cures and help personalize healthcare treatments. Description The company develops AI tools that sift through the world’s largest collection of clinical…

VSTAlert to help prevent patient falls

VSTAlert from VirtuSense uses AI sensors to track a patient’s movements so that providers and caregivers can be notified of potential falls to prevent them. Description Can predict when a…

Olive helps automate facility tasks

Olive’s AI platform automates some the mundane and repetitive facility tasks, and helps free up more time for clinicians and admin to focus on other more important tasks. Description The…