Payment, Cancellation, and Refund Policy


  1. Payment Methods:
    • We accept payments through credit cards, PayPal, Stripe, and bank transfers.
    • All transactions are processed securely.
  2. Payment Confirmation:
    • Upon successful payment, you will receive a confirmation email with details of your enrollment and transaction.
  3. Currency:
    • All course fees are in USD.
  4. Taxes:
    • Prices listed do not include applicable taxes. Any taxes imposed by local authorities will be added to the total purchase price at checkout.


  1. Cancellation by Participant:
    • Participants may cancel their enrollment within 3 days of the course start date.
  2. Cancellation Process:
    • To cancel, participants must notify us in writing via The cancellation will be effective upon receipt of the written notice.
  3. Refund Eligibility:
    • Refunds for cancellations will be issued as follows:
      • 100% refund if canceled within 7 days, 50% refund if canceled within 3 days, no refund if canceled on or after the course start date.
  4. Non-Attendance:
    • No refunds will be provided for participants who do not attend the course without prior notice.


  1. Refund Processing:
    • Refunds will be processed within 7 business days of receiving the cancellation notice.
  2. Refund Method:
    • Refunds will be issued using the original payment method.
  3. Refund Exceptions:
    • In exceptional circumstances, we reserve the right to review and approve refunds on a case-by-case basis.
  4. Course Changes or Cancellations:
    • We reserve the right to modify or cancel a course. In such cases, participants will be notified, and they may choose to receive a full refund or transfer to another course.

Contact Information

For any questions regarding our Payment, Cancellation, and Refund Policy, please contact us at